Browsing All posts tagged under »reasons to learn a language«

Reasons to Learn a Language, #1599: Doing Hard Things Feels Good

April 28, 2015


A while ago, I’m still not exactly sure why, I started ballet lessons. Those who know me best find this to be hilarious. I am not, to say the least, proportioned like your typical ballet dancer. I also have slightly inward knees, so even a basic first position is difficult for me to do with […]

Reasons to Learn a Language, #926: Indulge Your Other Obsessions

January 31, 2014


When I switched on my DVR today, I found that something new had recorded: Little Manhattan. I muttered something about how I already have that, you silly machine, but before I deleted it I hovered over it just long enough to notice that it had recorded in Spanish. So I kept it. This is a film […]

Reasons to learn a language, #316: avoid being taken for a fool

May 31, 2012


Increasingly (and sensibly), American politicians are campaigning in Spanish as well as English. But that doesn’t mean they are saying the same thing in both languages. Senator Dean Heller of Nevada, for example, omitted to mention his stance on border security and illegal immigration in the Spanish version of his website, choosing instead to emphasise […]

Why learn a language? Reason #341: it’s character building

March 29, 2012


I recently interviewed Fiona about her experiences learning Danish. She blogs over at about life, marriage, faith, and expat adventures, and has an insightful post today about how language learning can build your character, pushing you – if you really want to take the plunge and learn – towards both bravery and humility. “…Bravery, […]